A drug-free approach to allergy elimination.
We believe strongly in your body's ability to eliminate allergies without the use of drugs. Our doctors employ a breakthrough treatment called Nambudripad's Allergy Elimination Technique (NAET) - which combines chiropractic, kinesiology and acupuncture - to desensitize our patients to all kinds of hypersensitivities.
NAET is based on the theory of electromagnetic energy; the human body has a flow of electromagnetic currents that corresponds physically to the currents of the central and peripheral nervous systems. NAET relieves the body of energy blockages that occur during hypersensitive responses.
NAET is based on the theory of electromagnetic energy; the human body has a flow of electromagnetic currents that corresponds physically to the currents of the central and peripheral nervous systems. NAET relieves the body of energy blockages that occur during hypersensitive responses.
A typical visit.
Your doctor will begin with a muscle testing procedure, determining to which substances you are sensitive, and will record those substances to create a personalized treatment plan. The doctor will use a gentle stimulation instrument called an Arthrostim to stimulate key points along your spine. The doctor will then apply acupressure to specific points on your hands and feet using a vibration instrument. This process works to initiate your body's ability to eliminate its adverse reaction to the allergen. At the end of your treatment, your doctor will check your muscle response to the allergen one more time to ensure that the allergic reaction is neutralized.
NAET treatment is not an immediate cure-all, and subsequent treatments will be required, especially when addressing a significant sensitivity. As your immune system becomes stronger, it naturally begins a process of detoxification. So, during a treatment, it is not uncommon to feel the effects of this purification process, including headaches, sluggishness, or irritability. However, once the allergens have been addressed, you will experience improved health and a noticeably better quality of life.
NAET treatment is not an immediate cure-all, and subsequent treatments will be required, especially when addressing a significant sensitivity. As your immune system becomes stronger, it naturally begins a process of detoxification. So, during a treatment, it is not uncommon to feel the effects of this purification process, including headaches, sluggishness, or irritability. However, once the allergens have been addressed, you will experience improved health and a noticeably better quality of life.
An atypical result.
Allergy sufferers are often forced to give up food and activities they enjoy. But after treatments from Dr. Stefanie and Dr. Rebecca, patients find they are able to enjoy those things once again. And, most importantly, you will find relief without the assistance of drugs and all the associated side effects. Our doctors are committed to helping you re-establish your best quality of life and an independence from costly and sometimes harmful medications.
Clayton Wellness Center - 8820 Ladue Rd., Suite 201, Ladue, MO 63124 - (314) 726-4600 - [email protected]